Baby Baylon is expected to arrive September 26, 2014. He is and always will be loved “to the moon and back” — a saying that I love. And as my niece prepares for the birth of her firstborn, I am preparing for her baby shower. Part of that involves ordering the invitations, thinking of games,…
In 2005, Katrina devastated my hometown. The storm stole foundations. I saw pain. I saw grief. Yet I have witnessed resilience like I never knew existed and love like I never could anticipate. The number of strangers visiting to rebuild, the spring break mission trips focusing on recovery. There have been layers and layers of…
People truly believe in creating vision boards to manifest their futures. For some, it works. And for others, it sounds all too hokey. For me, the short answer is that I care not to have an opinion. To each his or her own, right? While I believe in manifesting our realities, I believe more in…
We all do it. We pin mindlessly. We pin the outfits we want to buy. We pin the recipes we want to cook. We pin the projects we want to make. All in anticipation of, hopefully, one day getting around to doing some of what lives on our many different Pinterest boards. One of my…